Last modified: February 6, 2025
CTE Pathway Planning, CAPS, and Internships
The mission of Career and Technical Education (CTE) is to provide all students a seamless education system, driven by a College and Career Awareness (CCA), through competency-based instructions culminating in essential life skills, certified occupational skills and meaningful employment and/or entrance into a higher education institution for advanced preparation.
CTE classes provide every student with the opportunity to explore a variety of career areas in their middle school and high schools years that will equip him/her with the academic knowledge, technical and employment skills vital for entry into the evolving workforce of the 21st century.
Program Objectives
- Provide elementary school students career awareness
- Provide middle school students career exploration activities and assist them to identify career interests
- Assist high school students with education/career planning and the selection of education/career pathways
- Prepare high school students through school-based and work-based learning experiences
- Prepare students to demonstrate competency in core subjects and critical workplace skills
- Assist high school graduates to enter meaningful employment and/or advanced studies at a higher education institution.