Last modified: diciembre 18, 2024
SCC Rules of Order and Procedure
As required by Utah Law (53G-7-1203(10))
Para promover el comportamiento ético y el discurso civil cada miembro del consejo deberá:
- Asistir a las reuniones del Consejo puntualmente y preparado
- Tomar decisiones teniendo como objetivo principal las necesidades de los alumnos
- Escuchar y valorar las opiniones diversas
- Asegúrese de que las opiniones de sus representados se tienen en cuenta en los debates.
- Exigir responsabilidades y estar dispuesto a rendirlas
- Actuar con integridad
Reglamento interno
All meetings are open to the public and the public is welcome to attend. The agenda of each upcoming meeting with draft minutes of the prior meeting will be made available to all council members at least one week in advance, will be posted on the school website and made available in the main office. The agenda will include the date, time and location of the meeting.
Minutes will be kept of all meetings, prepared in draft format for approval at the next scheduled meeting. The council will prepare a timeline for the school year that includes due dates for all required reporting and other activities/tasks that the council agrees to assume or participate in. The timeline will assist in preparation of agendas to be sure the council accomplishes their work in a timely manner.
El consejo está formado por el director, 3 empleados de la escuela que son elegidos en años pares, 2 empleados de la escuela que son elegidos en años impares y 8 padres miembros, la mitad de los cuales son elegidos en años pares y la otra mitad en años impares. En caso de empate en una elección, el director lanzará una moneda al aire para determinar el resultado.
El presidente dirige las reuniones, asigna tareas y solicita informes sobre las mismas. En ausencia del presidente, el vicepresidente dirigirá las reuniones.
El consejo debe tener quórum para votar. El quórum equivale a la mayoría de los miembros del Consejo.
If a parent member is absent from two consecutive meetings, the chair will notify the member that if the member does not attend the next meeting, the council will consider the seat vacant and the remaining parent members will appoint a parent to fill the unexpired term. The council must determine a procedure for a council member to disclose a conflict of interest if required by the local school board. Meetings shall be conducted and action taken according to very simplified rules of parliamentary procedure as required in 53G-7-1203(10). Council actions will be taken by motions and voting with votes and motions recorded in the minutes.