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Last modified: March 6, 2024

Academic Integrity

Students who admit to and/or who are caught cheating in their classes will be subject to disciplinary action under the PHS Student Code of Conduct. The consequence and its impact on participation in extracurricular programs will be determined by school administration in consultation with the classroom teacher in whose class the cheating occurred and the coach/adviser over the program the student is participating in but shall in no case be less than a 1-week suspension from participation.

Examples of Cheating

Some examples of cheating are copying work from another student, quoting another paper, the Internet, a book or an article without giving credit to the author, storing information in a calculator for a test, putting your name on a paper belonging to another, and passing information to others during a test. A first instance of cheating will receive an ‘F’ on the assignment and a counselor intervention to assist the student. Additional incidents will result in loss of credit for the class.